desde este humilde blog, Gir, su cupcake y yo (a.k.a Rocio, a.k.a hasbeensandneverweres) le deseamos a Cesar (a.k.a ---xCia---, a.k.a el creador del blog y de la idea del blog y del TODO :B) un muy muy muy muy MUY feliz cumpleaños :D
First of all, wow gold it's important to realize that the game and all its inconsistencies are utterly unavoidable. cheap wow gold Some things are going to make sense in terms of a story, while other things are just what you have to do if you want to play a computer game. Often the best way to buy wow gold keep roleplaying in such a game interesting and fun is to work with or around the gaming inconsistencies openly. For example, there is no teleconferencing wow gold in Warcraft lore -- no plausible magic or technology that would enable characters to chat with each other freely no matter where they are in the world. Roleplayers have wow gold 5000 to add on some sort of strange magic or technology to make a universal communication technology work. The thing is, this sort of communication is not really suited to other aspects of the Warcraft story wow gold -- otherwise why in the world would quest-givers ask you to carry messages and whatnot, if they could just plug in a hearthstone and talk to somebody themselves? silkroad online gold You do find things like remote scrying devices that let you see and communicate with silkroad gold images of people at a distance, but these are usually stationary and require some serious magic to produce -- would everyone in your guild have portable versions of these? SRO gold If so, would each guild mate be seeing images of their entire guild all around them as they run around fighting monsters? Lineage 1 adena None of this is to say that appropriate technology for Azeroth couldn't be imagined, just that at this point Azeroth doesn't seem to have it, Balnazzar-Alliance wow gold and adding it in feels a bit awkward and ill-fitted to many aspects of Bleeding-Hollow-Alliance wow gold the story.
GRACIAS RO! C: te quieeero :A no te creas que no me voy a dar cuenta de que escondiste una estrella atras de gir ;) con mis super poderes me di cuenta xP (que obseciona por las estrellas :F) estrellas wiiii tanabata wiiii te quiero hasbeensandneverweres wiiii x)
no tenes porque agradecer, para mi no es problema :3 y yo tambien te quiero ^^ y vos tambien sos la chimba :D y perdona al spammer feo ese que comento primero :D con el segundo todo bien porque nos agrego a los blogs que esta siguiendo. :) (aaa re interesada.)
First of all, wow gold it's important to realize that the game and all its inconsistencies are utterly unavoidable. cheap wow gold Some things are going to make sense in terms of a story, while other things are just what you have to do if you want to play a computer game. Often the best way to buy wow gold keep roleplaying in such a game interesting and fun is to work with or around the gaming inconsistencies openly.
ResponderEliminarFor example, there is no teleconferencing wow gold in Warcraft lore -- no plausible magic or technology that would enable characters to chat with each other freely no matter where they are in the world. Roleplayers have wow gold 5000 to add on some sort of strange magic or technology to make a universal communication technology work. The thing is, this sort of communication is not really suited to other aspects of the Warcraft story wow gold -- otherwise why in the world would quest-givers ask you to carry messages and whatnot, if they could just plug in a hearthstone and talk to somebody themselves? silkroad online gold You do find things like remote scrying devices that let you see and communicate with silkroad gold images of people at a distance, but these are usually stationary and require some serious magic to produce -- would everyone in your guild have portable versions of these? SRO gold If so, would each guild mate be seeing images of their entire guild all around them as they run around fighting monsters? Lineage 1 adena None of this is to say that appropriate technology for Azeroth couldn't be imagined, just that at this point Azeroth doesn't seem to have it, Balnazzar-Alliance wow gold and adding it in feels a bit awkward and ill-fitted to many aspects of Bleeding-Hollow-Alliance wow gold the story.
ResponderEliminarGRACIAS RO! C:
ResponderEliminarte quieeero :A
no te creas que no me voy a dar cuenta de que escondiste una estrella atras de gir ;)
con mis super poderes me di cuenta xP (que obseciona por las estrellas :F)
estrellas wiiii
tanabata wiiii
te quiero hasbeensandneverweres wiiii x)
sos la chimba!
no tenes porque agradecer, para mi no es problema :3
ResponderEliminary yo tambien te quiero ^^
y vos tambien sos la chimba :D
y perdona al spammer feo ese que comento primero :D con el segundo todo bien porque nos agrego a los blogs que esta siguiendo. :)
(aaa re interesada.)
jajajajja xD